Compass Edvantage
Summer Learning 2021
There has never been a greater need for quality summer school programming. Estimates from the Northwest Education Association predict students will have lost 4 months to an ENTIRE YEAR of learning by the time they return in the fall.
At Compass Edvantage, we have designed a framework in which to position your planning, training, and implementation of effective and engaging summer programming.
Let Us Help You Get Ahead This Summer
We combine our experience designing and evaluating summer programming with our recent work helping school systems navigate distance learning. Whether you're not sure where to even begin or you have an initial plan developed, we can help you design and implement an effective summer program for your students.
I Have a Draft Plan, But...
I Don't Know Where to Start...
I'm Going to Need the Whole Package
Expert Guidance
You may be well on your way to an incredible summer program, but have a few areas in which you would like to get some guidance. Some questions we have supported are:
How do I keep students engaged in this new environment?
How do I involve parents without overwhelming them?
How do I diagnose student needs when I don't have spring data?
The Path to Success
Many leaders are trying to wrap their heads around how summer could look for their students. They recognize the need, but are not clear on how to structure a program that meets those needs given the constraints of school closures. We can help you prepare a comprehensive plan for your summer program that leverages what you know works well for summer learning with how to adapt that in a blended or distance model.
Comprehensive Support
Overwhelmed with everything else going on, but still recognize the need for a high-quality summer program? We can provide customized support that includes program design, enhanced curriculum development, teacher PD, and parent  support. We'll be there with you from start to finish!
Planning for Summer 2021
There has never been a greater need for quality summer school programming.  Having partnered with over 100 US and international school systems, we provide customized support in the design and implementation of effective programming, leadership development, and teacher professional learning.